Monday 13 July 2015





It is time for Israel and the Haredim to part ways and for the Haredim to become a part of the future Palestinian state. The divorce is due to irreconcilable differences but it could become a win, win, win situation.

The word Haredim is used to describe all the ultra/fundamentalist/extreme religious Jewish groups whose origins can be traced back to some form of isolation from mainstream society. The term 'Haredim' is almost exclusively used to describe 'The Religious' of Israel as it is only in Israel where there is non-cooperation with the government.


The Haredim formed in response to Jewish emancipation and enlightenment in Europe in the late 18th and 19th centuries. It is therefore a modern invention with many recently adopted traditions and customs. It is successful because all its forms are based on excluding the 'outsiders' who live in the modern sinful world. In all its manifestations, it forms a single fundamentalist cult as it turns myths and stories into reality.

Haredi rabbis (leaders) know what they teach is fiction, but justify the use of stories (mixed in with some history) as it is used to explain inexplicable events or illustrate a greater truth. This is done to remove the random nature of reality and infuse it with the guiding hand of God and to present Jews (the 'chosen people') in a positive light.

As there is little possibility of meaningful religious discussions with Haredi, there is no need to know anything more about their history and beliefs. Even though the right of their beliefs do not have to be defended, the right to their religious beliefs has to be absolute even if it means they have to get a self governing 'state'.


A noticeable feature of Haredi men are their beards and Haredim pay a lot of attention to their beards, which are regarded symbols of virile manliness, wisdom and freedom from leprosy.

The beards of the Haredim are no different to the tattoos of Tel Aviv - it is all about self-image and this is important for both groups. But they offend each other to a violent degree and should not be forced to travel on the same bus, work together or interact in any way. (In any case, breakfast-beard is disgusting and Israeli tattoos pathetic.)

Separation is the only way to ensure basic human rights for both groups without constant legal interference.


Haredim are a spiritually needy people. One of the groups which make up the Haredim is the Hasidim. In 1735 a Polish faith healer, miracle worker, exorcist and amulet salesman called Israel ben-Eliezer announced it had been revealed to him he is a baal shem tov - a 'master magician' and he brought together the various hasidim ('pious ones') and catered to their spiritual needs. There seems to have been a need for this kind of service and the 'need' spread at an astonishing rate. By the end his life the Baal Shem Tov had 40 000 needy followers.

This incredible spiritual need, which can never be satisfied, remain a dominating force among Haredi. A modern rabbi with 150 followers can get 30 requests for spiritual comfort a day. It is a psychological illness stemming from a lack of sincere un-prescribed individual attention starting with parents and then in later life, spouses.

The Haredim can offer the world nothing but this need, a thirst that can never be quenched, so it is best for the entire world if they live in isolation.


Moses Mendelssohn (1729 - 1786) found a way for the Jews to leave the ghetto. He believed they first had to be ready and willing to leave religiously before they took the first steps. This necessitated a change of attitude towards Judaism. What he propagated was a God who left the minds of Jews free as the 'Law' only concerned itself with morality as it pertains to behavior. This allowed Jews to leave the ghetto but what they found was a culture where their religious practices were unacceptable - so those who refused to accept the modern Germany moved to America and Palestine.

Goebbels tried to make a propaganda film to show the Jews as primitive and disgusting - adherents of a religion filled with the superstitious pagan practices of Eastern European peasants from the Middle Ages. No such Jews were to be found in Germany or Austria - even poor Jews were highly sophisticated and cultured. In the Prague ghetto, he found exactly what he was looking for and Jud Suss became the world's most successful propaganda film.

It cannot be denied, the Haredim cling to unpalatable practices and customs. They are not acceptable to Mendelssohn's Jews or the wider world and as there is no chance of them changing it is best if they go back to the ghetto, where they can protect their way of living without causing offence.

The Haredim are happy to do this as they see the separation in religious terms - the same as separating milk and meat.


The first new yeshiva (from the Hebrew 'to sit') was started in Lithuania at the start of the 19th century. It was 'schools' where ultra-Orthodox students studied in an organized fashion on a large scale. Their studies were limited to religious subjects as determined by the rabbis who ran the schools. The spread and success of subsequent 'schools' were based on the original model which saw students to a large degree separated from their families and isolated from society. In the 'schools', a nurturing extended family life, so important to develop self-worth, is replaced by an authoritarian rabbi who literally has power of life and death. Parental love and discipline, essential for proper development of responsible freedom, is replaced by an institution which demands complete subservience and obedience. Interaction with society, essential for the development of critical thinking, is replaced by peer pressure.

Today the 'schools' form the foundation of the entire Haredic culture. To put this in perspective; it is like having hundreds of Wacos, geared to create thousands of brainwashed abuse victims in one small country. And it is a country where the majority of people are completely and very strongly opposed to this form of education.

The situation does not have a good prognosis. The 'yeshiva boys' walk around with pent up frustration and massive aggression looking for fights. They push non-Haredi women out of the way to get on the trains, behave rudely to female tourists and make nasty comments about women in the IDF. This annoys everyone who has different customs. Unfortunately, the police protect them and take their side but sooner or later some female soldier is going to lose it. And if she has a Mini Tavor, there is going to be a disaster.

It is best to avoid this scenario.


The Haredim believe they are pushing history forward and they are right. The Haredim are quite happy to create animosity between them and other Jews and Gentiles. They refuse to accept Jews as 'Jews' because they are not 'Jewish' enough. The history of animosity they see as inevitable but it is not acrimonious enough to enable the split.

The animosity and separation between Haredim and Reform, between ultra-Orthodox and secular, should be encouraged to create a new Israeli Judaism.

The majority of Israelis has their rights as well - it is time they are freed from the black-boot of Haredic oppression.


From the time of the first Haredim in Palestine in the 1920's, the loyalty of the Haredim has been suspect. They had all along made their own deals with the Arabs and claim they can live in peace with the Palestinians if it wasn't for the constant Zionist provocation. Most likely, they are right.

Without loyalty, they cannot serve in the military. This is especially true of Haredim attitudes and expressions after wars when they make themselves guilty of faultfinding to a treasonous degree. They do this because they need to blame somebody for the failure of their prayers. A terrible example was the 1973, Yom Kippur War. Because their prayers failed to keep individuals safe, the Haredim were unable to see the saving miracle of the war and described it as a calamity brought about by God as punishment for the sin of the secular Israelis.

It is best Haredim and other strongly religious people do not serve in the military at all.


It is impossible for the state of Israel to continue to exist with the Haredim as an integral part. As government after government try to accommodate them, it has become clear politicians are chasing a unity dream, which no longer has any credibility. The Haredim never wanted to be part of Israel and they do not want to be a part now.

A clean divorce between Israel and the Haredim offers the brightest future for both groups. It is also one of the few ways to bring about a peace with the Palestinians. Israel needs to dissociate from the Haredim and allow them to make their own deal with the Palestinians about the West Bank, Old City and East Jerusalem settlements. This is something they claim they can do and they should be given the opportunity - they might even be able to negotiate a return to Gaza. To deny them the chance, is to infringe on their human rights and treat them as children.

In such an agreement, the Haredim can get control over their own affairs in their own 'cantons'. The Palestinians will be rid of the Zionists. And Israel will be able to lighten its economical and military load.

Everybody is a winner.   

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